Elevator pitches
In anticipation of the third international Circus and its Others third conference, we invited each presenter to film a short video to give the audience a tease of their presentation. The following videos are kernels of brilliance; scroll through and give them a watch ahead of the conference!

Panel 1
Vibrant Objects

Panel 2
Circus and Racialization

Panel 3
Circus audiences

Panel 4
Being with the non-human other

Panel 5
Practicing disobedience and deviance

Panel 6            
Circus bodies in/of pain

Panel 7
Transcultural and intercultural circus, past and present

Panel 8
Circus, practice, embodiment

Panel 9
Different worldings: Circus, utopia, and the carnivalesque

Panel 10
Circus, perceptions, publics

Panel 11
Circus, genre, and identity: Challenging borders and definitions

Project Pitches